Dental Exams & Cleanings

Serving Dallas, TX and the Surrounding Areas

At Illinois Family Dentistry, we believe in prevention as the first line of defense against dental disease. We are pleased to offer cutting-edge smile solutions, including comprehensive dental exams and cleanings, to maintain strong, healthy, and beautiful smiles. We invite you to experience preventive dental care at its best!

How Often Should I See My Dentist?

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), you should schedule dental exams and cleanings at regular intervals recommended by your dentist. In most cases, our patients require twice-yearly preventive dental appointments. However, individuals with periodontal (gum) disease or those at risk of developing dental problems may need more frequent dental visits.

Routine dental exams and cleanings offer numerous benefits, including the following:

  • Prevention: Regular dental exams and cleanings can lower the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, keeping your smile healthy and sound.
  • Early Detection: Routine dental exams allow us to detect any potential issues when they are the easiest to treat, preventing them from progressing and requiring extensive and costly treatments down the road.
  • Healthy Habits: Regular dental visits allows us to not only treat existing dental issues but to also promote healthy habits to maintain good oral health.
  • Better Health: Poor dental health is closely associated with health conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, so maintaining a healthy smile enhances your overall health.
  • Improved Appearance: Regular cleanings enhance the appearance of your smile by removing plaque and tartar buildup, which can leave your teeth looking dull and discolored.

What Can I Expect During My Appointment?

Each visit to our dental practice is a unique experience tailored to your smile’s needs. In general, here’s a look at what you can expect during your appointment:

Dental X-Rays: Dental x-rays help us detect any areas of concern, including early decay between your teeth, bone loss, and other hidden issues.

Intraoral Camera: Our cutting-edge intraoral camera provides a magnified view of your teeth and gums. That helps us visualize problems like early decay, chips, or tooth fractures.

Dental Exam: Your regular dental exam will include an evaluation of every aspect of your oral health, including your teeth, gums, and bite. Our goal is to detect and address any problems as they develop to prevent them from progressing.

Oral Cancer Screening: Oral cancer screenings help rule out signs of any abnormalities, including white or red patches in the mouth, sores that do not heal, or suspicious bumps or lumps. Early detection of oral cancer helps ensure the best possible treatment outcomes.

TMJ Screening: We may perform a TMJ screening, which includes checking for clicking, popping, pain, or a misaligned jaw. We also look for signs of teeth grinding and clenching, a condition known as bruxism.

Dental Cleaning: Our dental hygienist uses an ultrasonic scaler to blast off stubborn plaque and tartar deposits from your teeth and right under your gum line. We also clean off surface tooth stains, leaving your smile whiter and brighter.

Fluoride Treatments: Fluoride is a natural cavity-fighter, which strengthens the tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay and cavities. The powerful mineral also remineralizes the tooth enamel, which helps reverse the early stages of tooth decay. Fluoride treatments are beneficial to adults and children alike.

Next Steps: We will share our findings and work with you and recommend restorative or preventive procedures, as needed, to address any current conditions and prevent future ones. Our goal is to promote healthy smiles that last a lifetime!

Dental Exams and Cleanings Near Me in Dallas, TX

If you’re looking for a dental practice offering comprehensive dental care and personalized smile solutions, Illinois Family Dentistry is the place to be. Our skilled and compassionate team is committed to providing the exceptional care you deserve in a warm and caring environment.

We invite you to call our office at 469-809-1919 to schedule your appointment or request one online today!