Dental Crowns & Bridges

Serving Dallas, TX and the Surrounding Areas

If you have damaged or missing teeth, Illinois Family Dentistry is here to help. Our dedicated team takes pride in offering custom dental crowns and bridges made to match the appearance and texture of your natural teeth. Our skilled dentists are committed to restoring your smile’s health, function, and beautifully natural appearance with a solution tailored to your unique needs.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped restorations that cap or fully encase the visible portions of damaged teeth, restoring their form and function. They offer an excellent solution for repairing chipped or broken teeth, supporting fractured or otherwise damaged teeth, protecting teeth after root canal therapy, or strengthening teeth with deep decay or large fillings. They can also be used for cosmetic purposes, like improving the appearance of severely misshapen, discolored, or otherwise flawed teeth.

At Illinois Family Dentistry, we offer the best crown materials available, including porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM), all-porcelain, ceramic, and zirconia. Our experienced dentists will help you determine the type of crown that’s best for you, depending on your unique needs and personal preferences.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are fixed restorations designed to replace one or more adjacent teeth. In most cases, they are attached to crowns placed on natural teeth on either side of the gap, known as anchor or abutment teeth. We create your replacement teeth, known as pontics, from the same quality materials as dental crowns, delivering long-term healthy and beautiful smiles.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Crowns and Bridges?

Restoring damaged or missing teeth with a dental crown or fixed bridge offers many benefits. Our custom restorations are made to match your smile, leaving you with incredibly natural-looking and feeling results. A dental crown or bridge will enhance your appearance, improve your chewing ability, and have you smiling with confidence once again.

Leaving a gap in your smile can be a serious matter. The neighboring teeth can shift toward the space, leading to crooked teeth and problems with your bite. Restoring your smile with a dental bridge can help redistribute the forces of your bite, lowering the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, uneven tooth wear, tooth fracture, and TMJ pain.

Our high-quality dental crowns and bridges at Illinois Family Dentistry are made with exceptional precision for superior function and comfort. With proper care, your restoration will enhance your smile for 15 years or even longer!

What Is the Dental Crown or Bridge Procedure?

The dental crown or bridge procedure typically takes two appointments to complete. We will start by preparing the damaged tooth or the teeth next to the gap to make room for your dental crown or bridge. Next, we will take impressions of the area to send to our partner dental laboratory, where skilled technicians will fabricate your dental restoration. Meanwhile, we will place a temporary crown or bridge to protect your prepared tooth or teeth.

After your permanent crown or bridge is ready, you will return to our office for a placement appointment. We will evaluate your restoration for a perfect fit and color-match to the surrounding teeth, then cement it in place. We will make any adjustments needed for optimal comfort and function. Your new dental crown or bridge will look and feel like any of your natural teeth.

Dental Crowns and Bridges Near Me in Dallas, TX

If you have a damaged or missing tooth, contact Illinois Family Dentistry to schedule a consultation. Our experienced dentists may recommend a dental crown or bridge to restore your smile’s health, function, and natural appearance.

We invite you to call our office at 469-809-1919 to schedule your appointment or request one online today!